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11th Vallianou Road Race

On March 26, Sunday, the 11th Vallian Road Race is coming, with all the familiar “formality”. The IAF certified 10 ari, on the familiar 5km round trip course, returns in full force, challenging and inviting you to participate by running or walking.

The discrimination categories are: 13-18, 19-34, 35-49, 50-60 and 61+ separately for men and women. There will be electronic timing, medals will be given to everyone, and children’s competitions will be held as always. The first three men and women of the general classification are excluded from the awards per category.

The message of this year’s event is the Game itself!

“You will never stop fighting for peace and for justice, you will go out into the streets and fight…”, said the great Tasos Livaditis, if you want to be called a man of course.

In an era when everyday life puts thought, action and reaction to sleep, which temporarily and energizingly mobilizes man and then – in his own time – methodically puts him to sleep, the struggle remains, a constant and constant demand . The struggle and preservation of memory, intact and alive.

Sports, both team/massive, awakens spirit, body and consciousness, creates shared goals, keeps alert, “trains” towards continued effort, healthy overcoming, teaches that defeat is simply the prelude to victory, when the will is strong.

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